At Wilson Martino Dental, Our Kids Have Dental Sealants and we think yours should too! Sealants help protect back teeth from decay!Dental Sealant FAQ...What Are Sealants?
Sealants are a safe, painless, and low cost way to help protect back teeth from decay. Sealants have been used on children’s teeth for more than 20 years and are being used more on adult teeth. A thin, plastic, tooth-colored or clear coating (sealant) is bonded to the chewing surfaces of the molars and pre-molars. This forms a hard shield that keeps food and bacteria from getting into the tiny grooves in the teeth and causing decay. Why Should Children Have Sealants? The chewing surfaces of the back teeth have tiny grooves that form as each tooth develops. This is where most decay occurs in children. That’s because the bristles of a toothbrush can’t get down into the grooves to remove the food and bacteria that get trapped there. Why do a sealant on a baby tooth? Because baby teeth get cavities and the teeth that need sealed don’t come out until your child is between the age of 13 and 16. We feel if you can prevent your child from getting a cavity, even if that tooth is not permanent (but can be in for as long as 12 years), it’s worth it! Should adults get sealants? Yes! Over 70% of adult cavities happen in the grooves of their teeth. Sealants help keep the decay from getting into those grooves. How long will your sealants last? Sealants can last for 4 to 6 years. If they chip or come off, they can easily be replaced. Any problems can be detected and corrected at your child’s regular dental checkups. As long as the sealants are in place, decay is less likely to develop in the grooves. you can help the sealants last by encouraging your child not to chew on ice cubes or hard or sticky candy. What happens if a sealant comes off? Sealants are checked and if needed touched up at each appointment. If a sealant comes off, the tooth will be protected by the remanents until your next appointment. We will replace sealants on baby teeth for free and the sealants on permanent teeth for up to three years. Will my insurance pay for sealants on baby teeth? Some do, but most don’t. Like car insurances, how good dental insurance is depends on what plan your employer purchased. But, you have to remember that while preventing cavities in your child’s mouth is not very important to insurance companies - it is important to us! But, what about the cost? Sealants are 1/3 the cost of a filling and there are no drills or numbing! Placing sealants on your child's teeth to help protect them from cavities is so important to us that we will help you make arrangements for anything your insurance doesn't pay! In-house payment plans with zero-interest are available, plus we can help you find a payment plan that suits your family budget!
Feeling Down? When you're sick, all you want to do is curl up on the couch or in bed.....we know that brushing your teeth is the last thing you want to do, but here's why you need to head to the sink anyway:#1 - Brushing up when sick helps keep the BAD STUFF off of your teeth!
#2 - Stay Hydrated
#3 - Quarantine that Brush!
One last sure to sneeze or cough into your elbow or a tissue to help prevent the spread of germs, and wash your hands frequently with