If left untreated, this serious condition can decrease your life expectancy by 8-11 years!
- Sleep Apnea affects over 20% of otherwise healthy adults living in the United States.
- People with Sleep Apnea are 23% more likely to have a heart attack than their healthy counterparts.
- 90% of individuals with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) remain diagnosed and never get treatment for their issue.
- 85% of people with congestive heart failure suffer from OSA.
- 20% of serious car accidents can be associated with driver sleepiness - a direct result of rest being interrupted by sleep apnea.
- 60-80% of overweight individuals suffer from some type of sleep disorder.
Dental Appliances Are A Popular Choice for Treating Sleep ApneaHistorically, the CPAP machine has been known as the gold standard for treatment of Sleep Apnea.
Benefits of a Dental Appliance for Sleep Apnea:
*Statistics provided by the U.S. Department of Health |
So...how do you know if you or someone you know has Obstructive Sleep Apnea? Snoring is one key factor, but there are many other to consider!
To help determine your Sleep Apnea Risk, our doctors provide each patient with a survey. Your answers help identify your sleep apnea risk level (low, medium, high).
If you have medium to high risk levels, your dentist will order a home sleep test, which determines your AHI (Apnea Hypopnea Index). This number is defined as how many times your airflow is restricted or ceases within a certain amount of time. The AHI tells us how severe your Sleep Apnea is and what kind of treatment you need.
To help determine your Sleep Apnea Risk, our doctors provide each patient with a survey. Your answers help identify your sleep apnea risk level (low, medium, high).
If you have medium to high risk levels, your dentist will order a home sleep test, which determines your AHI (Apnea Hypopnea Index). This number is defined as how many times your airflow is restricted or ceases within a certain amount of time. The AHI tells us how severe your Sleep Apnea is and what kind of treatment you need.
Can my dentist really diagnose sleep apnea?
Our dentists do not diagnose Sleep Apnea, rather, they partner with medical doctors who specialize in sleep disorders from Home Sleep Solutions (HSS) to determine your diagnosis and optimal treatment. The reason we are providing this service is simple, it helps our patients! A dentist can tell a great deal of information from their routine exams and because they are the only providers who can build a dental sleep appliance, this partnership makes sense. Here is how the process works:
- During your regular dental appointment (cleaning), you will fill out the Sleep Apnea Risk Assessment Survey.
- If your risk is moderate, high, or severe the dentist will fill out an order form for a home sleep test - no lab, no overnight stay in a strange place, this test is done in the comfort of your own bed!
- Once the order is filled out, the dental office will send it to Home Sleep Services.
- A representative from Home Sleep Services contacts you (the patient), reviews medical insurance coverage and prepares your home sleep study packet, which is shipped to you.
- Once you receive the sleep study, you complete it following the instructions and return it to Home Sleep Services.
- A certified Sleep Doctor will review your completed study, compile the results and your diagnosis, complete a report and send it to your dentist.
- Once your dentist reviews the results and determines if you can utilize a dental appliance for sleep apnea treatment, he or she will contact you and schedule an appointment for test review. The dentist will also take impressions that are used to create your custom dental appliance at the lab.
- Once the appliance is created, you will have an appointment to try it in and the dentist will make any necessary adjustments (this could take a few appointments, as your comfort level is very important to us.)
- The dental appliance is worn while sleeping and helps hold your jaw forward. This prevents your airway from closing during sleep and decreases your sleep apnea symptoms.
- After you have worn the appliance for a bit, we will re-evaluate your condition and make sure you aren't having any issues. If you are experiencing bite issues or jaw discomfort, we can make an AM Appliance for you, which is worn for about 15-20 minutes each morning. The AM Appliance re-positions your bite back to it's normal place quicker, reducing any discomfort you would have from the night appliance.
- The dentist will continue to evaluate your sleep apnea risk and the effectiveness of your dental appliance.